Principles of Economics 1 -old

Principles of Economics 1

Exam. Score: [Link] 


To contact T.A. (Ms Minyoung Roh) call 219-2698 during weekdays
My Office : Energy Center
Room 212 TA’s Office : Room 202

Part I Introduction 

Part II How Market Works




This course aims for the students to understand how an economy is working. The first half of the course will treat topics in consumer behavior. We will learn how consumers make decisions about what to buy and how they respond to changes in their environment. We will then proceed to firms behavior and an evaluation of the market structure. Finally, we will spare our time for various topics of Korean economy.
  • Evaluation
I will do my best to incorporate the any form of students’ participation in the class in the evaluation.The forms of participation could be
- doing homework
- reading the part of textbook 
- presentation
- performing group project, if any
- attendance Since it is usually difficult to evaluate all the items above, I will use my discretion in the evaluation of the above in addition to the following strict rules:- — mid-term exam: 100 ~ 120 points (extra points may be available)
- final exam: 120 ~150 points (Penalty for wrong answers and extra points will be applicable)
- Attendance(ATT) : Regular in-class or electronic attendance check or  and following the university rule! Pass/Fail
  1. If one gets 0 points in final exam., he will get the final grade of F.
  2. If you miss any class, it is your responsibility to catch up no matter what!
  3. attendance (ATT): attendance will be checked regularly. Your status of attendance will be reflected in your grade according to university rule. It can affect your performance by either Pass or Fail.
  4. If you are caught for misdemeanor during the exam., you will be referred to the Student Honor Court and your final grade will be determined according to that court’s decision


  • Weekly Schedule 1 (1st half )
1st week - Ten principles of Economics

Introduction – how to lead the class, how the class will be evaluated, etc. Confirm if the video clip can be played in the class.- Chap. 1
- Quiz your knowledge
- Chapter Intro Video
- Why does economics matter? (Ask the Author video clip.) EBAY:
2nd week - Thinking like an Economist.- Chap. 2
- Quiz your knowledge
- Chapter Intro Video
- The Graphing Workshop (Basic Ideas, Shifting Curves, PPF) Grasp it! See it!Reading materials:
The Philosophy of Economics-An Anthology, edited by Daniel M. Hausman, Cambridge
  1. The Scope and Method of Political Economy, John Neville KeynesExcerpted from The Scope and Method of Political Economy, 4th ed., by John Neville Keynes, London: Macmillan, 1917 [Full Text from Batoche Books]
  2. The Method of Positive Economics, Milton Friedmanfrom essays in Posive Economics, by Milton Friedman, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953
  • Please note that you can read the above article after rotating 90′ within acrobat.

Recitation Class I

Issues in Domestic LNG market (May 16, 2013, Power Industry Research Group)

Imbalanced Import in excess supply of LNG, (Indication by THE BOARD OF AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF KOREA)

Materials from Science Textbook (Elementary School, 2nd grade)


3rd week - Interdependence and the Gains from Trade

해외직접구매 세금감면 (2014.3)


- Quiz your knowledge
- Ask the Author video clip.
- The Graphing Workshop (Gains from Trade) Grasp it! See it!


4th week - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand- Chap. 4
- Quiz your knowledge
- Ask the Author video clip. (market economy and centralized one)
- The Graphing Workshop (Demand, Supply, Product Market Equilibrium, Comparative Statics) Grasp it! See it!

5th week - Elasticities and Its Applications- Let’s have an experiments of Demand and Supply

Student participation: students sitting left & right wing side of the class. (Those who made transactions with the offer price higher than the average of all sellers’ offers and with bid price lower than the average of all buyers’ bids will get the full credit of SP)
This data will be used for the 7th week homework assignment!
- The data obtained will be used for Homework assignment later.- Chap. 5
- Quiz your knowledge
- Chapter Intro Video
- The Graphing Workshop (Price Elasticity and Revenue) Grasp it! See it!


6th week - Supply, Demand and Government Policies- Chap. 6
- Quiz your knowledge
- Chapter Intro Video(Example of rent control Policy)
- The Graphing Workshop (Price Floors and Ceilings, Tax Incidence) Grasp it! See it!

Minimum Wage 관련 - 현재 당신의 일자리는 좋은 일자리입니까? (노동부조사결과) , 최저임금을 생활임금 수준인 만원으로 인상합시다 (알바연대).

7th week - Consumers, Producers and the Efficiency of the Markets- Chap. 7
- Quiz your knowledge
- Chapter Intro Video
- The Graphing Workshop (Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus, Market Equilibrium) Grasp it! See it!Recitation Class may be held for the prep. of Mid-term exam.!


Mid-Term Examination

       9:30am, Oct. 21, 2019 (Room 311, Energy Center)

9th week - Applications: the Costs of Taxation - Chap. 8

Arthur Laffer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- Why should there be a penalty for a wrong answer or wild guess?
- Chap. 6 review
- Review of students’ participation in the class and conduct some discussions.
- Review of Chap. 6. (p. 126-)

- Chap. 8
- Deadweight Loss, Laffer curve


10th week () - Applications : International Trade- Chap. 9
- Gains and Losses of Trading Countries
- Deadweight loss with tariff


11th week- Chap. 9 Continued.
- Quota
- Arguments for restricting Trade- Chap. 10- Externalities
- Negative Externalities
- Positive Externalities
- What is so called industrial policy?

Ronald H. Coase – Story behind his work

12th week - Public Goods and Common Resources- Chap. 11- various kinds of goods
- Free-rider problem, the difficulty of Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Are lighthouses public goods?
- How much is a life worth?Fighting for Poverty – Wisdom- Common resources
- The tragedy of the commons
- Some important common resources
- Why the cow is not extinct while elephant faced near extinction?


13th week () - The Cost of Production- Chap. 13
- TR, TC, Profit, production function
- Various measures of costs
- Costs in the short-run and in the long-run
- Economies and diseconomies of scale


14th week - Firms in Competitive Markets - Chap. 14

- what is a competitive market?
- Profit maximization and the competitive firm’s supply curve
- A shift in demand in the short-run and long run


15th week - Monopoly
- Monopoly, by George Stigler
- How monopolies make production and pricing decisions
- Welfare costs of monopolies- public policies toward monopolies
- price discrimination
- case studies

Antitrust Law, USA


Final-Term Examination

      To be Announced!

Material for Exercise


  • Text Book and References


  • Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw, Dryden 7th Ed.