Department of Energy Studies, Energy Systems Devision, Ajou University, Korea

Energy Modeling Lab has been working on several energy related softwares:

  1. Smart Grid BCA (Benefit Cost Analysis ) Tool Kit Revised by EML
  2. GCAM-EML and Abatement Cost Chart
  3. Renewable Energy System
  4. 실시간전력소비분석모델
  5. CTET (Climate Technology Evaluation Tool)

Currently, the Smart Grid BCA (Benefit Cost Analysis ) Tool Kit Revised by EML , Renewable Energy System and GCAM-EML and Abatement Cost Chart are freely downloadable.

Other SWs are coming soon and stay tuned!

The board below can be used to address inquiries, suggestions, and comments to the softwares developed by EML. We would be very thankful for all the inputs and discussions in this forum.