Energy & Env. Econonomics


Energy & Environmental Economics

One day of my class


Class Materials for Introduction to Energy Systems

  • 1st  Week  [1] [2] 
  • 2nd Week  [1] [2] 
  • 3rd Week  [1] [2] [3] by Dr. Seungho Jeon
  • Check other materials such as ‘Who  Killed Electric Car?’ in the following.
  • 4th Week  [1] [2] 


To contact T.A., call 219-2698 during weekdays
email: 전승호<>
My Office : Institute of Energy Systems and Climate Change (IECC) Room 212 (219-2689)
 Classes : Mon. 16:30-19:15
  •  References
  1.  Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Tietenberg, Addison-Wesley
  2.  Other Related Materials
  • Reading materials: 

The Philosophy of Economics-An Anthology, edited by Daniel M. Hausman, Cambridge

  1.  The Scope and Method of Political Economy, John Neville KeynesExcerpted from The Scope and Method of Political Economy, 4th ed., by John Neville Keynes, London: Macmillan, 1917 (Original Textbook)
  2.  The Method of Positive Economics, Milton Friedmanfrom essays in Positve Economics, by Milton Friedman, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953
  3. Hall R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics, a Modern Approach, 8th Edition
  •  Materials for your references
  1. Introduction
    1. Course Design (Grading Standards-Mid, Fin, Attn, SP, Qiuz, Q&A-Materials not Printable?, Too much talk on Energy?, etc.)
    2. Scientific Methodology and Economics (Friedman, Keynes)
    3. What are the issues of energy sector in real world?
    4. Common Misunderstanding on Renewable Energy: Which of the region in the world shows the highest use of renewable energy? EU, Asia, USA, …
    5. Recent News
      1. 기후변화대응기술확보 로드맵
      2. INDC submission, UNFCCC
      3. [한전 42.5조원투자 신재생에너지 11.5GW개발]
    6. Energy and Technology
    7. Assignment 1 :
      1. Who Killed the Electric Car (Quiz)
      2. Smart Grid
    8. Assignment 2 : The Race For The Future Car (Martijn Kieft. VPRO Backlight)
  2. Review of Economics
    1. Demand, Supply [1] [2]
    2. Production Function, Marginal Cost and Supply Curve [1] [2]
    3. Market, Equilibrium [1] [2]
    4. Public Good, Common Resources, Externality and Market Failure
  3. Environmental Issues of Climate Change
    1. Assignment : The Climate Wars 1, 2, 3
    2. Assignment : An Inconvenient Truth
    3. Assignment : The Great Global Warming Swindle
  4. Energy and Economy
  5. Selected Issues
  6. Presentation by Students (SP)

** For those who are interested in joining Energy Modeling Lab.

** Useful Websites (Domestic)
  1. Economic Statistics System, Bank of Korea
  2. National Statistics Office
  3. Power sector: EPSIS,
  4. Petroleum Sector: PEDSISPETRONET
  5. Gas Sector: Citygas Ass.
  6. New and Renewable Sector: KNREC
  7. Others
** Useful Websites (Abroad)
    1. CGE Modelling
      1. GAMS
      2. EMACS and GAMS Mode
      3. The Lazy Economist
      4. PEP Models
      5. MAMS -World Bank
      6. GLOBE and STAGE Model
        1. Prof. Rutherford’s Home
        2. Prof. Balistreri’s Home
    2. DOE, US
      1. EIA
      2. NREL
      3. EPA
      4. NETL
    3. IEA
    4. WEC
    5. BP statistical review of world energy 2012
  1. Natural Resources Canada
    1. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclodpedia



    • Final Examination
      Excercise & Answers [Typical Example]Tobe Determined Room 255 Yulkog bld.